About SOMS
Welcome Message
Jee-Hyun Kang
The Society for Korean Obesity and Metabolism Studies
Dear esteemed members of the Society for Korean Obesity and Metabolism Studies,

The Society for Korean Obesity and Metabolism Studies (SOMS) was founded with the aim of conducting research, providing treatment guidelines, education on obesity and metabolic syndrome, and fostering camaraderie among its members. Since its inception, owing to the dedication of past presidents and executive members, as well as the support of our members, we have consistently grown, and now we are a Full Member of the World Obesity Federation (WOF). We are preparing to take a leap towards becoming a globally recognized society.

We will endeavor to expand avenues for scholarly exchange across various fields and to create opportunities for collaborative research as a multidisciplinary society encompassing both basic and clinical aspects. Through our society website, we will share diverse news, conference materials, and our journal, ‘Archives of Obesity and Metabolism’, fostering a space for exchanging insights not only domestically but also internationally. We kindly request your continued interest and support to propel SOMS into a leading force in the field of obesity studies.
Best regards,