About SOMS
Constitution of the Society for Korean Obesity and Metabolism Studies (SOMS)
Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1: (Official Title)
The official title of this organization is the "Society for Korean Obesity and Metabolism Studies (SOMS)" (hereinafter referred to as the "society").
Article 2: (Headquarter)
The headquarter of this society is located at 158 Gwanjeodong-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Room 1116 (Gwanjeo-dong, Konyang University Hospital), Republic of Korea.
Article 3: (Objective)
This society aims to enhance medical expertise through research, management, and education in obesity and metabolism, and to strengthen member relationships.
Article 4: (Business Operations)
In order to achieve the objective set by this society, the following business operations are employed:
1. Advancement of the studies for obesity and metabolism
2. Conduction of conferences, training courses, seminars, and group meetings
3. Publication of a journal and other books
4. Academic exchanges with domestic and foreign academic bodies
5. Promotion of preventive activities for obesity and its comorbidities
6. Education, training, and certification for members
7. Other businesses related to the objective of this society

Chapter 2: Membership

Article 5: (Admission)
Individuals who wish to be admitted to this society must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 6: (Organization and Qualification)
This society is composed of following types of members:
1. Regular members: Specialists who are involved in research and medical practices related to obesity and metabolism and have fulfilled all of their duties based on the Article 3.
2. Associate members: Individuals who are undergoing training as interns and residents.
3. Special members: Criteria for special members are separately defined by membership regulations.

Chapter 3: Executive Officers

Article 7: (Organization)
The following officers selecting from regular members, are appointed by the President with the approval of the Council:
1. Up to 20 directors.
2. One auditor.
3. Up to 3 special chairpersons.

Article 8: (Duties of Officers)
1. The President represents this society, organizes and leads general meetings.
2. The Auditor reviews and verifies the accuracy of financial records and reports the results to the General Assembly.
3. The President may appoint a director for the committees under following subparagraphs:
① General affairs: Overall operation and management of the society's affairs
② Finance: Finance and financial operations related to the operation of the society
③ Publication: Publication of academic journals and books
④ Information and communication: Management of the website and information-related tasks
⑤ Education: Education of the members and public education
⑥ Academic affairs: Tasks related to academic events
⑦ Research: Research tasks related to obesity and metabolism
⑧ Legal: Legal tasks related to bylaws and regulations of the society
⑨ Pharmacotherapy: Tasks related to pharmacological treatment of obesity and comorbidities
⑩ Behavioral therapy: Tasks related to behavioral treatment of obesity and comorbidities
⑪ Surgical therapy: Tasks related to metabolic surgery for obesity and comorbidities
⑫ Policy: Policy-related tasks for obesity and comorbidities
⑬ External affairs: Tasks related to external cooperation of the society

Article 9: (Terms)
The term of all officers is 2 years and can be reappointed. The term runs from January 1 of the elected year to December 31 of the following year, and they should carry out their duties until a successor is determined.
Article 10: (Election and By-election)
The election and by-election of officers are as follows.
1. The next President must be endorsed among the regular members by the Council and approved by the General Assembly.
2. The next Auditor must be endorsed among the regular members by the Council and approved by the General Assembly.
3. Directors must be nominated by the President and approved by the Council.
4. By-elections for officers must be conducted and ratified by the Board of Directors.

Chapter 4: Organization

Article 11: (Council)
1. Qualifications of Councilor:
① Former Presidents
② Regular members who are recommended by the Council and the current President
2. The Council deliberates and votes the following subparagraphs:
① Recommendation for President and Auditor
② Approval of Directors
③ Deliberation and vote on revision of the bylaws
④ Appointment of Councilors

Article 12: (General Assembly)
The General Assembly shall consist of all regular members and shall be convened at least once a year, with the President serving as a chair.
Article 13: (Board of Directors)
1. The composition and convening of the Board of Directors are as follows:
① The Board of Directors consists of the President and Directors, with the President serving as a chair.
② The Board of Directors meets regularly every three months, and at other times as deemed necessary by the President, or at the request of at least one-third of the Directors in good standing.
2. Quorum: Half of enrollment of the Board of Directors
3. The Board of Directors deliberates and votes the following subparagraphs:
① Matters related to the revision of bylaw
② Approval of business plans, budgeting, and final accounts
③ Matters related to the acquisition and disposal of property
④ Handling of operations and member management
⑤ Matters related to the dissolution of the society
⑥ Other matters
4. Decisions of the Board of Directors
Decisions are made by the attendance of more than half of the incumbent directors and the consent of more than half of the attending members. Absent members may delegate their voting rights.
Article 14: (Committees)
1. The society may establish various committees to carry out the tasks outlined in Article 8.
2. The chairperson of each committee shall be the respective director. In a committee where a special chairperson is appointed, the special chairperson assumes the role of the committee's chairperson.
3. Each committee can have 1-3 deputies and up to 10 members, appointed by the chairperson and commissioned by the President.

Chapter 5: Finances

Article 15: (Finances)
Membership fees, the registration fees for academic conferences and training courses, donations, and other earnings fund this society.
Article 16: (Management and Operation)
The management and operation of the finances is as follows.
1. Finances are managed under the official title of this society.
2. The operation of finances is overseen by the Auditor.
3. The Financial Director must maintain documents related to financial operations.
4. The President supervises the Financial Director and bears the final responsibility for the management and operation of the finances.
5. The management, operation, and disposal of property (trade, gift, provision of collateral, lease, etc.) shall be resolved by the Board of Directors, and the President shall execute the affairs on behalf of the society.
Article 17: (Account Settlement)
The Financial Director must manage finances with integrity and report the accounts of the previous fiscal year at every meeting of the Board of Directors and General Assembly.
Article 18: (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year of the society is from January 1 to December 31 of the same year.
Article 19: (Handover of Accounts)
The handover of accounts for the current and previous year is conducted in the presence of the President, incoming President, Financial Director, and incoming Financial Director.
Article 20: (Audit)
The Auditor conducts an annual audit of the finances. However, audits on finances and operations can be conducted as needed.
Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

Article 21: (Revision of Bylaws)
The revision of the bylaws can be proposed by the officers, and proposed revisions must be deliberated by the Board of Directors, decided by the Council, and immediately promulgated.
Article 22: (Regulations)
When regulations are not followed, general guidelines are followed.