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학술대회 안내 및 등록
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[학술대회] SICOM & AOCO 2024
작성자관리자 작성일2024년 12월 02일 조회수363
Day 1 ( 2024-10-24 )
14:00 - 15:30
Understanding Obesity and Its Implications
Segyero Room / 3F
Obesity Prevention and City Innovation
Obesity beyond BMI - Obesities, Clinical Obesity
14:00 - 15:30
KHEPA: Health Evaluation Related to Obesity and Anti-Aging
Changjo Room / 4F
Screening and Prevention of Cancer in People Living with Obesity
Body Composition: Anthropometry, BIA, DXA, CT, MRI
Wen-Yuan Lin(China Medical University Hospital)
Normal Weight Obesity Is a Risk for Life Style Related Diseases: from Over Viewing of Antiaging Health Check-up System in Tokai University Tokyo Hospital
Yasuhiro Nishizaki(Tokai University)
15:50 - 17:20
New Perspectives on Sarcopenia
Segyero Room / 3F
Introducing Sarcopenia Cohort
Implication of Sarcopenic Obesity in Clinical Practice
Hidenori Arai ( National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology JAPAN )
Muscle-Fat Dynamics in Aging: Sarcopenic Obesity Demands Special Attentions
Liang-Kung Chen(National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan)
15:50 - 17:20
KHEPA: Health Promotion of People Living with Obesity
Changjo Room / 4F
Cardiovascular Health in People Living with Obesity
Yoshihiro Fukumoto(Cardiovascular Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine)
Mental Health and Obesity
How Can the Excess Weight be Removed?
Kuo-Chin Huang(Department of Family Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital)
17:20 - 17:50
Satellite Symposium 1
Segyero Room / 3F
Personalized Treatment for Obese Patients: Practical Approaches Based on Phenotypes and Pharmacotherapy
Day 2 ( 2024-10-25 )
08:30 - 10:00
AOASO Session 1: Addressing Stigma and Promoting Mental Health in Obesity
Segyero Room / 3F
From Bias to Balance: Tackling Stigma & Mental Health in Obesity Management
Edgardo Juan L. Tolentino. Jr(Makati Med Institute of Neurological Neurosurgical and Behavioral Sciences)
De-Stigmatizing Obesity(EDMO Clinics & Apollo CVHF Hospitals Ahmedabad India)
Rucha Mehta
08:30 - 10:00
Presidents' Update
Changjo Room / 4F
Presidents' Update
Que Do
Presidents' Update
Mahendra Narwaria
10:00 - 10:45
Keynote Lecture 1
Segyero Room / 3F
From Discovery to Clinical Insights: Ghrelin, LEAP2, and the Stomach-Liver Axis in Appetite Control
Masamitsu Nakazato(Osaka University)
11:00 - 12:30
AOASO Session 2: Exploring the Functional Diversity of Adipose Tissue
Segyero Room / 3F
Biology and Activation Mechanism of Brown/Beige Adipocytes
Yutaka Hasegawa(Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan)
12:30 - 13:00
Luncheon Symposium
Segyero Room / 3F
SGLT2: Beyond Glucose Lowering Effects
조윤정(대구가톨릭대학교 의과대학)
14:00 - 15:30
AOASO Session 3: Early Childhood Targets in Obesity Prevention
Segyero Room / 3F
Roles of Parents and Primary Health Care Workers in Early Childhood Obesity Prevention
Sioksoan Chan-Cua(MD, FPSPME)
Prenatal and Early Childhood Targets in Obesity Prevention
Banshi Saboo( Diabetologist & Meatabolic physcian Global Council Member: EASD)
14:00 - 15:30
Diet and metabolism
Changjo Room / 4F
Caloric Restriction Versus Intermittent Fasting – Impacts upon Metabolism and Biomarkers of Health and Aging
Leonie Heilbronn(University of Adelaide)
Obesity and Trans-fatty Acid
Geeta Appannah(Assoc Prof Dr Geeta Appannah, PhD)
Low-Carbohydrate Diets in the Management of Obesity
15:50 - 17:20
AOASO Session 4: Policy Approaches to Obesity Prevention and Food Security
Segyero Room / 3F
The Agenda for Obesity Reduction [AOR]- Policy Directions for Public Health in Malaysia
Tilakavati Karupaiah(FASc, APD, AN)
Obesity and the Challenge of Vietnam in Managing Obesity from the Clinic to the Broader Community and Beyond
Thi Ngoc Diep Do
15:50 - 17:20
Exercise Research
Changjo Room / 4F
Cohort of Sarcopenic Obesity
Hsiang-Han Kao(Family medicine Department, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan)
Kinect-Based Mixed Reality Workouts: Enhancing Physical and Metabolic Health
Day 3 ( 2024-10-26 )
08:30 - 10:00
한 눈에 알아보는 비만동반질환 약물치료(Obesity Medicine CME 1 (Korean): Pharmacotherapy for Comorbidities of Obesity)
Segyero Room / 3F
비만약물치료와 함께하는 당뇨병 치료제 선택 방법
08:30 - 10:00
Rising Star Symposium
Changjo Room / 4F
GLP-1 Increases Cognitive Satiation via Hypothalamic Circuits in Mice and Humans
MYPT1-PP1β Phosphatase Negatively Regulates both Chromatin Landscape and Co-activator Recruitment for Beige Adipogenesis
Hiroki Takahashi(Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)
Identifying Potential Biomarkers of Iron-induced Inflammation in the Association between Body Mass Index and Selected Micronutrients with Haemoglobin Concentration: A Bioinformatics-assisted Review (BaR) Nutrition Study
Fatin Natasha Syahirah(Master In Nutritional Sciences Universiti Putra Malysia)
Evaluating the Implementation of an Embedded Service for Obesity in a Sleep Disorders Clinic at a Tertiary Hospital Setting using the RE-AIM Framework
Elizabeth Machan(University of Sydney, Australia)
Wearable Device Utilizing an Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) System for Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis, Liver Fibrosis and the Role in Ambulatory Monitoring
Loey Lung Yi Mak(The University of Hong Kong)
11:00 - 12:30
맞춤형 비만 진료하기(Obesity Medicine CME 2 (Korean): Tailored Management for Obesity)
Segyero Room / 3F
요요 및 정체기 극복의 노하우
윤영숙(인제의대 일산백병원)
다약제 복용 중인 노인 비만 환자 관리
11:00 - 12:30
Challenges and Future Directions in Obesity Research and Treatment
Changjo Room / 4F
Obesogenic Gut Microbial Composition in the Malaysia Multiethnic Community
Chun-Wie Chong(Monash University Malaysia)
What Drives Us to Eat? Brain Mechanisms
14:00 - 15:30
환자들이 필요로 하는 비만 진료 따라잡기(Obesity Medicine CME 3 (Korean): Obesity Consultation Requested by Patients)
Segyero Room / 3F
비만 초진의 기본: 쉽게 따라할 수 있는 비만 진단과 평가
서유빈(원광대 산본병원 가정의학과)
비만 남성에서 남성호르몬의 적용
15:50 - 17:20
비만 환자의 특수한 상황들(Obesity Medicine CME 4 (Korean): Special Circumstances in Patients with Obesity)
Segyero Room / 3F
여성암이 동반된 비만 환자 관리
비만 환자의 수면무호흡증
비만과 당뇨병 환자에서 신장 보호하기: SGLT2 inhibitor, GLP-1 receptor agonist를 중심으로
15:50 - 17:20
Community-Based Approaches to Obesity Prevention
Changjo Room / 4F
Community-Based intervention in Southeast Asia
Community-Based Approaches to Obesity Prevention in Japan
Midori Noguchi(Osaka University)
Community-Based Intervention for Pediatric Obesity in South Korea